Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What are the Health Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll?

Discharges Toxin through the Feces

Liquid chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria. It counteracts toxins in the bones, blood tissues, and intestines; the result is that the body heals faster.

Consumed food undergoes changes in our body in about a day. therefore, we must get rid of such unwanted food residue from the body. Otherwise, it will accumulate in the big intestine and become toxic, which is hazardous to our health. Liquid chlorophyll improves the digestive system and bowel movement to discharge the toxic feces from the body.

Disease causing bacteria find it difficult to live in the presence of liquid chlorophyll. In the colon, liquid chlorophyll helps keep the colon healthy by destroying disease causing bacteria. It works well in eliminating body odors, abscesses, and other skin sores in people as well as animal. In fact, it's a great help for any digestive problems, constipation or diarrhea. It helps in increasing peristaltic action and relieving constipation.

It works in purifying the liver by eliminating old toxic material. It also aids in normalizing the secretion of digestive acids, soothing the inflammation and reducing the excess pepsin secretion associated with gastric juices, promoting regeneration of damaged liver cells.

chlorophyll deodorizes the bowel and entire body; a natural antiseptic to the intestinal tract. it also aids in rebuilding damaged bowel tissue and helps to eliminate mucus.

Reduces Pesticide Residue and Toxin

Liquid chlorophyll effectively reduces toxin caused by pesticides and chemicals in the body. it traps and forms complexes with mutagens. this reduces the chances that these substances will attached themselves to genes and cause damage. Liquid chlorophyll also facilitates the degradation of toxic metabolites.

Balances body Acid-alkali level

Balances body acid-alkali levels to maintain good health. Liquid chlorophyll provides an excellent source of health-promoting nutrients. Because liquid chlorophyll's composition contains calcium, it is highly useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone diseases and hip dysphasia.

It is very high in RNA and DNA and has been found to protect against the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

Assists in Increasing Blood Counts

liquid Chlorophyll assists red blood cells generation to ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrients for cell regeneration.

The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment. It has been roughly estimated, that in a normally developed healthy adult, there are approximately 600,000,000 air cells composing the lungs, and 80 gallons of oxygen are inspired in 24 hours. But how does this enormous quantity of oxygen get into the blood? Iron is the magnetic element which extracts oxygen, and if there is sufficient iron in the blood, as it passes through the lungs, it will take up the gaseous oxygen, condense it into liquid, and generate hemoglobin, which releases it to the cells and tissues, enabling them to breathe out their carbon-dioxide and other waste gases, and re-absorb the life-giving oxygen.

chlorophyll helps to rebuild the bloodstream. Dr,. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." According to him, chlorophyll increases the hemoglobin production, the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.

One great side effect of liquid chlorophyll is that, it seems help to eihter cool the body and help balance the loss of nutrients you can loose through sweat or dehydration on a hot summer's day, or warm the body on a cold winter's night. this is a normal function of the blood and can be optimized when your blood is healthy.

Reduces Wrinkles and Aging

the chlorophyll in alfalfa contains anti-oxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism, that will destroy protein lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases to the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to aging.

Liquid chlorophyll is an antioxidant-it has the ability to scavenge free radicals. It also improves the body's natural free-radical fighting ability by increasing the levels of certain enzymes that help in this process. It acts as a superb antioxidant to help support the body in maintaining health tissue and fighting the effect of aging. the results are smoother skin, clearer complexion and youthful looks.

Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune system

and because chlorophyll helps to thicken and strengthen the walls of the cells, it is also a nutritional aid for the immune system. As a nutritional supplement it accelerates tissue cell activity and normal re-growth of cells which helps the body heal faster.

Following is a list of disease conditions that have either improved or cleared up entirely by using liquid chlorophyll in conjunction with a living foods diet:

  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases

  • All forms of anemia

  • Asthma and hayfever

  • Pyorhea

  • Varicose veins

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Ulcers-internal and external

  • High and Low blood sugar

  • Offensive body odors

  • Sore throat

Actually chlorophyll will assist in correcting any imbalance in the body due in part to its high bio-available iron content. This allows the body t utilize more oxygen, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins. We also know that the internal use of chlorophyll strengthens the cells and inhibits bacterial growth.

Well, that's it for now guys, hope you learn something.

Thank you for visiting, see you again.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Liquid Chloropyll, our liquid sunshine

Hi guys how are you today, actually this is my first time to post a blog. I just want to share to you the importance of liquid chlorophyll.

Of course, first we have to know what is Chlorophyll and for your information, Alfalfa plant is the best source of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants its green color. It is crucial for plant survival because it is the agent for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs as plants take in sunlight and with the energy, chlorophyll changes water and carbon dioxide obtained form the air into sugar. Then with minerals absorbed form the earth, the plant is able to make vitamins, fats, proteins and starches that it needs in order to survive.

Did you know that the molecular composition of chlorophyll is identical to the human blood cell, so it is often referred to as “green blood.” In human blood, the nucleus of its molecule is iron, while in chlorophyll the nucleus is magnesium.

Chlorophyll is easily assimilated by the human body in its liquid state. So it cleanses the blood and build red blood cells in no time. When ingested in its liquid form, chlorophyll remains unchanged until it reaches the small intestine. Of course, chlorophyll can be obtained by eating plenty fresh , green plants, especially those that are deep green color. However, in plant form , chlorophyll is surrounded by fat substances which may result in only partial absorption in small intestine.

Renowned American Nutritionist Prof. Ragnar Berg said our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food to maintain a healthy body. A healthy body should have an alkaline pH level of about 7.3 – 7.4.

Diets based toward acidic food will result in a rise of acidic level in our body in the long run, causing various illnesses like heart disease, arthritis, high-blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and high cholesterol. Acidic food includes meat, seafood, canned food, sugar, salt, rice, egg yolk, cheese, alcohol, carbonated drink etc. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetable and seaweed, etc.

Liquid Chlorophyll possesses 3 main function: cleansing, balancing, and nourishing. Theses enable us to have a stronger body and better health.

Cleansing – Cleanses the digestive system, assists in purifying blood, eliminates bacteria, disinfect and detoxifies.
Balancing – Balances body acid-alkali level, boosts the function of the body system.
Nourishing – Assists in red blood cell regeneration, enhances oxidation process and stimulates cell regeneration.

Chlorophyll in liquid form is best to take as it will be easily absorbed by our body. And this is best for people with liver problems, respiratory problems, with rheumatism, anemic people, those with pale complexions, with weight problem, very skinny people and of course overweight people.

Thanks guys, and hope you learn something.

See you next time.

Always remember “Health is the most important wealth” so take good care of it.

Smile and be happy.
